
Civic Debate

Civic debate uses debate as a tool for engagement, service and publication. By participating in civic debate competitions, students have opportunities to contribute to global civil society while developing essential professional and civic skills. Civic debate also offers GWU students the opportunity to develop their resumes through internships at leading national and international organizations, to participate in once-in-a-lifetime experiences supporting global debate education, and to earn academic credit and scholarships for their work as society members. As part of our civic debate program over the last few years GWDebaters have:

  • taken fellowships at NASA and traveled to the Ames Space Center as part of the NASA Astrobiology Debates

  • taken fellowships at the Embassy of France and traveled to Paris as part of the Lafayette Debates

  • traveled throughout Indonesia, as part of the GWU FITE Advocacy Competition 

  • assisted in founding the only intercollegiate debate tournament in the world dedicated to social justice topics, the Social Justice Debates at Morehouse College

And much, much more!  Click here for answers to FAQs about civic debate.